Humble ISD has just issued a death sentence for kids
Today, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (a true American hero) announced that there will be a mask mandate for all public schools and childcare centers in Harris County. Humble Independent School District has sent an e-mail saying they will blatantly disregard this order.

Here is the text of the e-mail that was sent out to parents:
“Today, Harris County issued an order related to masks and other COVID-19 related directives.
The Harris County Order conflicts with the Governor’s order, which states that no person may be required by any jurisdiction to wear, or to mandate the wearing, of a face covering, and that public schools may operate under guidance issued by the Texas Education Agency.
Because the orders conflict, Humble ISD will continue with its current COVID protocols. Face masks remain optional in Humble ISD.
Humble ISD has ensured we are in compliance with TEA and Governor’s guidance. COVID protocols in the district include: providing a virtual learning option even though the state is not funding Average Daily Attendance; keeping COVID-positive individuals and anyone with symptoms off campuses until re-entry criteria has been met; clean air technology; enhanced cleaning including fogging; outdoor eat, play and learn spaces; publishing a COVID-19 Dashboard, elementary class notifications; and sharing testing and vaccination opportunities.
Humble ISD hopes to offer students a great school year that includes in person classes, extracurricular activities, and parents welcome back on campuses to volunteer and attend events. “
In other words, #kidslivesdontmatter to Humble ISD.