Man who got upset employees were not speaking English at Dallas store no longer works for Energy Network
A man who was caught on video at a store in Dallas while trying to buy a purse no longer works for Energy Network. This was an older video according to @Daneshguy, but he was never found.
According to “Bry”, assumingly of Energy Network, Craig Todd, a Senior Account Manager on the Energy Network website was, in fact, an employee but he was never removed. Bry stated he was let go for the same type of behavior.

It should be noted, that it appears Bry was able to be promoted from within, which speaks volumes about the company and its values. Yes, their I.T. department is a bit slow to update the website, but they are willing to promote women in the industry that has been heavily male-dominated in the past. Craig Todd being fired from the company was not a “cover your a**” type of moment. They were able to recognize his behavior and realized he was not the right fit for the company before he was identified on social media.