Silly Drivers

Providing a mask to riders?

Uber and Lyft have both mandated to riders and drivers that we must wear a mask at all times. While we are by no means obligated to provide these masks to riders, if you want to stay safe as a driver, chances are you likely have some on hand for those riders that forgot to bring a mask. I know if I was driving in this pandemic because I really needed the money that bad. I wouldn’t want to pass up a ride either.

However, let’s try and provide the rider with a clean mask. I know, I know, “#FTP” (Driver slang F the pax, yes, we use this playfully), “the rider should have provided one”, etc. However, a mask is not something you should skip on. Those disposable masks will run you less than $1 (totally worth it if it is a longer ride) and because you are buying masks in order to conduct business, you can write these off! (Note, I am not a licensed CPA)

There is no reason why you should be giving a rider a visibly soiled mask. If you can not afford a clean one, simply cancel the ride and let the rider find another driver that doesn’t care about masks, or one that can afford a clean mask.

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