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Road Rage Painter Arrested: David Nathaniel Winston Charged with Damaging Motor Vehicle in Viral TikTok Incident

HARRIS COUNTY, TX – A shocking road rage incident was captured on a viral TikTok video, leading to the arrest of David Nathaniel Winston, a local painter, on August 4, 2023.

Winston is accused of intentionally damaging a motor vehicle owned by Juan Miguel Barajas, who, according to legal documents, had a greater right to possession of the property than the defendant. The charges allege that Winston painted Barajas’s motor vehicle with spray paint and struck it with an unknown object, causing a pecuniary loss of at least two thousand five hundred dollars but under thirty thousand dollars.

This incident is not Winston’s first brush with the law. Back in September 2020, he was charged with choking his girlfriend to the point where she lost consciousness.

The viral video that captured the recent road rage incident has sparked outrage and widespread attention online. Social media users have been quick to comment on the apparent aggression displayed in the video, raising concerns about road safety and the behavior of individuals behind the wheel.

Winston was able to post a $1,500 bail and has since been released from custody. As of this reporting, legal proceedings are ongoing, and further details are awaited.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictability of road rage and the potential consequences of aggressive driving behavior. Local authorities are urging drivers to exercise caution, patience, and respect on the roads to avoid similar incidents in the future.

You can watch the full video here.

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